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Have you used the right method to ovulation test?

Have you used the right method to ovulation test?

Many people, in order to increase the probability of being caught, will have sex during ovulation. There are several methods for monitoring ovulation:
Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound examination for ovulation is accurate and effective. Through ultrasound, we can monitor the development of follicles, changes in endometrial thickness, and whether mature follicles can be successfully expelled. If problems are found during ultrasound monitoring, doctors will take timely treatment measures based on the patient’s condition, improve the development of follicles and endometrium, and increase the probability of pregnancy. However, ultrasound examinations must be conducted by professional personnel at medical institutions, and busy modern people cannot go to hospitals at any time.
Ovulation test strip
Is there any other way to monitor ovulation besides going to the hospital? Can you monitor ovulation at home? The commonly used and easy to use urine ovulation test paper. Ovulation test strips are used to test the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine. Usually, within 24 hours before ovulation, there will be a peak of luteinizing hormone in the urine. At this time, when using ovulation test strips to test, it will be found that the test line is also red, and the color is close to or even darker than the control line. For women with normal menstruation, starting from the 10th day of menstruation (the day of menstruation is counted as the first day of menstruation, and so on in the future, if menstruation occurs on the 1st of this month, then the 10th day of this month is counted as the 10th day of menstruation), they begin to use urine ovulation test strips at home for monitoring. They will be tested once in the morning and once in the evening. When there is no ovulation, the urine ovulation test paper shows a red line, and towards ovulation, the urine ovulation test paper will show two red lines. If two red lines appear with similar colors, it indicates that ovulation may occur within 24 hours. On the day of seeing the two red lines, which is the ovulation period, sexual intercourse between two people increases the probability of pregnancy.
menstrual cycle
You can calculate the ovulation period based on the menstrual cycle. If the menstrual cycle is very regular, the ovulation date will be calculated 14 days back from the first day of the next menstrual cycle. For example, if your period starts on the 15th, then 15-14=1. Normally, the 1st is the ovulation day.
Basal body temperature
Basic body temperature refers to the body temperature of a person in a basic state. Sleep for 6 to 8 hours or more, and wake up without eating, drinking, or speaking. The first action is to pick up the already shaken mercury thermometer and hold it under the tongue for 5 minutes, then record the temperature on the thermometer at that time, which is the basic temperature of the day. In this way, body temperature should be measured every day when waking up, continuously for at least 3 menstrual cycles. Connecting each temperature point with a line becomes the basic body temperature. In general, the body temperature is always below 36.5 ℃ before ovulation. The body temperature drops slightly during ovulation. After ovulation, progesterone will cause the body temperature to rise, with an average increase of 0.3 ℃ to 0.5 ℃, which will continue until the next menstrual cycle and then return to the original temperature level. Due to factors such as sleep, wakefulness, physical illness, and sexual activity that can easily interfere with body temperature, it is necessary to have sufficient sleep and avoid significant emotional fluctuations in order to ensure accuracy when measuring basal body temperature. In addition, long-term recording work and retrospective observation are required. The biphasic body temperature formed by the low-temperature and high-temperature phases of body temperature can indicate that ovulation has occurred, but it cannot accurately determine when ovulation occurs. Therefore, monitoring ovulation based on body temperature has certain limitations.
Regular homework is not as good as “letting things go”
The ovulation time of women is actually not completely fixed and standardized. Ovulation is easily affected by factors such as external environment, climate, sleep, emotional changes, quality of sexual life, and health status, resulting in delayed or premature ovulation, and even the possibility of additional ovulation. In addition, there is no final conclusion on the maximum survival time of sperm and eggs in the female reproductive tract, so unexpected ovulation may still occur before and after the artificially calculated ovulation period. Therefore, pregnancy preparation does not need to be limited to a fixed day for homework, and it is more in line with human reproductive needs to be prepared according to circumstances. If there is confusion or if there are no results after six months to a year of pregnancy preparation, it is recommended that everyone still seek professional assistance from a reproductive doctor.


Post time: Sep-07-2023