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Early prevention of complications of diabetes and liver disease cannot be ignored!

Early prevention of complications of diabetes and liver disease cannot be ignored!

The comorbidities of liver disease cannot be ignored! Diabetes is closely related to the liver. the liver is an important organ for glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism. diabetes patients are very easy to get fatty liver, while fatty liver patients are very easy to get diabetes.
About 40-50% of patients with type 2 diabetes will have fatty liver, and further development will lead to steatohepatitis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.
How can early prevention be achieved? Manage blood sugar well
Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain exercise; Eat less high-fat and high sugar foods; Regularly test liver function, and if there are abnormalities, medication intervention should be carried out
What should we do if we already have liver damage? If your fatty liver has liver damage, you need to seek medical attention and use some medication to protect your liver, so that your liver period can improve. If there is fat swelling and liver damage in patients with non diabetic pulse disease, especially when choosing hypoglycemic drugs, we should try to avoid choosing drugs that are harmful to the liver.
Minimize the damage of diabetes and pay attention to the complications of diabetes from now on. We should not only screen and evaluate the complications of diabetes regularly; Choose drugs that are not harmful to the kidneys and liver; We also need to adhere to a scientific lifestyle.

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Post time: Feb-17-2024